We've been thinking a great deal about manners here at Ananya lately. It really started because we were talking about the time of year and how sociable it is. Wedding season is in full swing. There are invitations to parties. Corporate entertainment at events like Wimbledon, Ascot and Henley. Weekends away. It goes without saying that one should always say thank you for being entertained - preferably by a handwritten note in ink. A text or e mail just doesn't really cut it - it's a bit lazy and hurried and if somebody has taken the time to organise a party then taking ten minutes to write a thank you note yourself isn't a lot to ask. Here's a charming one sent by an American TV star to a young fan - which we are sure she kept! Elegant stationery goes a long way towards creating the right impression and remember you don't have to write a long epistle when you're saying thank you. Just express your gratitude, how much you enjoyed meeting people, who you talked to and what you will remember about the event. That's why a notecard is perfect - and if you have a monogrammed set made just for yourself then that's very chic indeed. Every country has its own take on what makes for good manners (although writing a thank you card is acceptable anywhere). We just came across this useful infographic from Zendesk which shows what you should do and what you should avoid in different countries around the world. For example, did you know that it's considered impolite in Brazil to eat with your bare hands (always use a knife and fork or a napkin).
Every week on Twitter we're going to be publishing a tip on etiquette and politeness. You can follow us at @ananyacards and see our etiquette tips with the hashtag #etiquette.
If you've any to add, please let us know!
Image credit: Zendesk